Pro Cycle Service Philosophy
"Uncompromising workmanship and passion for excellence"
I have been maintaining bicycle for 30 years and have raced Mountain , Road and Track bikes for 20 years. I also race my 'retro' bikes! I am a member of the Nowra Velo Club.
I am a professionally trained bicycle mechanic having completed my Certificate II and Certificate III through the Bicycle Mechanic Training Institute Sydney, Australia. This means I am qualified to work on all brands and all types of bicycles.
I specialise in hand built wheels of the highest quality using the 'Gerd Schraner' method, using the best tools and components. I use a P&K Lie truing stand, DT Swiss Tensiometer and use DT Swiss wrenches. Safety, reliability and maximum performance are my foundations.
I have a passion for the 'Golden Age' of cycling. Instead of trying to reinvent the wheel I have learnt from the past masters and studied their history, techniques and philosophies to bring uncompromising standards and quality to wheel building today.
I see every part of a bicycle individually, coming together to form the most efficient functioning machine, to propel the rider towards their goal.